We’re in a historical era for the Church. People are not just gathering in person, but they are gathering around television screens, computer monitors, cell phones, and other digital devices to stream the teaching of God’s Word within their homes. As COVID-19 has continued to spread throughout our world, every nation, city, and family has been impacted by this virus. There are two reoccurring themes that seem to have people panicked:

1.) We are not sovereign over our days, and

2.) Death is a respecter of no persons

These are two truths that have historically underscored the Christian testimony. God is the sovereign Creator, who holds our days in His hands and Christ has defeated the sting of death. It is during times like these that the Christian testimony must be shared. It must be talked about within our homes, we must remind each other of it within our churches, and we must share it with our friends and neighbors. To help equip you in these days, for this unique task, we created this page with some of our favorite resources. We hope you will explore them and discover new ways to step into the days ahead with a renewed confidence in Christ.


Family Discipleship

Resources available to lead your family, not just during COVID-19, but throughout life.

Marriage Enrichment

Resources to build and sustain a marriage that reflects God’s covenant with the church.

Daily Helps

Resources for encouragement, growth, and to keep you rooted daily in the Gospel.

need something else?

Don’t know where to begin or don’t see the type of resources you’re looking for? We’d love to hear from you.

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